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It was also apparent that

  • 1 apparent

    ظَاهِر \ apparent: easy to see: Her pleasure was apparent. evident: plain and clear to the mind: It’s evident that you weren’t listening. Evidently you were asleep. \ See Also واضح (واضِح)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > apparent

  • 2 выяснилось также, что

    Выяснилось также, что
     It appeared also that knowledge of the effect of array configuration on heat transfer was inadequate for achievement of optimal designs.
     It was also apparent that the impact-generated pressure profiles were much more reproducible for the impact of the model material than for that of birds.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > выяснилось также, что

  • 3 время

    (см. также год, лета) time, tense
    В давние времена в основном считалось, что... - In ancient times it was generally believed that...
    В настоящее время изучаются свойства данного материала. - The properties of this material are presently being studied.
    В настоящее время имеется значительный интерес к... - Currently, there is considerable interest in...
    В настоящее время очень мало известно о... - Little is known at present about...
    В настоящее время проводятся эксперименты, чтобы исследовать... - Experiments are currently underway to investigate...
    В последнее время стало явным, что... - It has recently become apparent that...
    В последнее время существенные усилия были приложены... - There has recently been considerable effort put toward...
    В течение очень долгого времени было известно, что... - It has been known for a very long time that...
    В то же время необходимо объяснить, что... - At the same time it must be explained that...
    В то же самое время было также понятно, что... - At the same time, it was also clear that...
    В то же самое время данные результаты указывают, что... - At the same time, the results indicate that...
    В то же самое время следует помнить, что... - At the same time it must be remembered that...
    Вплоть до весьма недавнего времени не бывало, чтобы... - It has not been until very recently that...
    Вплоть до недавнего времени считалось, что... - Until recently, it was thought that...
    Время от времени мы будем интересоваться... - Occasionally we will be interested in...
    Время от времени утверждалось, что... - It has occasionally been argued that...
    Данный анализ отнимает много времени. - This analysis is time consuming.
    К настоящему времени несколько ученых исследовали эту проблему. - То date, few investigators have pursued this matter.
    К тому времени единственным практическим методом был... - At that time, the only practical method was...
    Как установлено в настоящее время,... - As things stand today,...
    На некоторое время мы пренебрегаем тем фактом, что... - We neglect, for the time being, the fact that...
    Не так уж долго осталось ждать того времени, когда... - It should not be long before...
    Однако в то время было принято, что... - However, it was recognized at the time that...
    Однако вплоть до недавнего времени это рассматривалось как... - But until recently it was regarded as...
    Оставляя на короткое время в стороне вопрос, действительно ли... - Putting aside for a moment the question whether...
    Положение, занимаемое частицей Р, в общем случае будет изменяться со временем. - As time goes on, the place occupied by P generally will vary.
    Понадобится много времени для того, чтобы найти... - One will have to go a long way to find...
    Понадобится некоторое время для того, чтобы... - It will take some time before...
    После короткого промежутка времени мы должны были бы ожидать... - After a short time, we would expect...
    С течением времени процесс будет изменяться в сторону стационарного распределения. - As time progresses, the process will move toward a steady state distribution.
    Согласно имеющимся в настоящее время сведениям... - According to the present available evidence,...
    Тем временем мы должны проверить... - Meanwhile we should examine...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > время

  • 4 понятно

    (см. также очевидно, видно) it is clear
    Более того, теперь понятно, что... - Furthermore it is now clear that...
    В ретроспективе понятно, что... - In retrospect it is clear that...
    В то же самое время было также понятно, что... - At the same time, it was also clear that...
    Во-первых, понятно, что... - First, it is clear that...
    Далее, вполне понятно, что... - Further, it is quite clear that...
    Действительно, из (1) понятно, что... - Indeed it is clear from (1) that...
    Должно быть понятно, что имеется некоторый риск... - It should be clear that there is some risk in...
    Еще не скоро будет понятно, как... - We have still a long way to go toward understanding how...
    Из определения понятно, что... - It is plain from the definition that...
    Из рисунка понятно, что... - From the figure it is clear that...
    Из сделанных замечаний должно быть понятно, что... - It should be clear from the above remarks that...
    Из соотношения (4) понятно, что... - It is clear from (4) that...
    Однако из нашего рассуждения понятно, что... - However, it is clear from our discussion that...
    Позднее станет понятно, что... - It will become apparent later that...
    Скоро будет понятно, почему это так. - The reason for this will soon be clear.
    Теперь нам стало понятно, что означает... - This implies that we understand what is meant by...
    Теперь понятно, как обращаться с... - It is now clear how to deal with...
    Теперь понятно, что... - It is now clear that...
    Уже должно быть понятно, что... - It must already be clear that...
    Что не слишком хорошо понятно, это... - What is not well understood is that...
    Преимущество этого заключается в том, что становится вполне понятно, что... - This has the advantage of making it quite clear that...
    Это кажется обнадеживающим до тех пор, пока не становится понятно, что... - This seems encouraging until it is realized that...
    Это станет понятно, когда мы обсудим... - This will be seen more clearly when we discuss...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > понятно

  • 5 confusión

    1 confusion, mix-up, disorder, confusedness.
    2 perplexity, bafflement, confusion, confusedness.
    3 commotion, riot, clutter, hassle.
    4 scene of confusion, shambles.
    * * *
    1 (desorden) confusion, chaos
    2 (equivocación) mistake, confusion
    3 (turbación) confusion, embarrassment
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=equivocación) confusion

    ha habido una confusión en los nombres — there was a mix-up with the names, there was some confusion with the names

    esta carta no es para mí, debe de tratarse de una confusión — this letter is not for me, there must be some mistake

    por confusión — by mistake

    2) (=desconcierto) confusion
    3) (=turbación)
    * * *
    a) (desorden, caos) confusion
    b) ( perplejidad) confusion
    c) ( turbación) embarrassment
    d) ( equivocación) confusion
    * * *
    = confounding, confusion, mix-up [mixup], dislocation, welter, muddle, perplex, turbulence, turmoil, jumble, blurring, clouding, daze, messiness, obfuscation, turbulent waters, puzzle, miasma, snarl, snarl-up, brouhaha, perplexity.
    Ex. Experience of IT in USA is associated not infrequently with the confounding of confident expectations.
    Ex. In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.
    Ex. You'll have to call him and tell him there's been a mix-up and that he'll be called as soon as there's another opening.
    Ex. SDC's ORBIT software is a variation on the ELHILL software used with MEDLINE, so users of that data base can move across to SDC with a minimum of dislocation.
    Ex. Without language we would go bumping around in the dark and eventually take leave of our senses under the welter of the incomprehensible, withdrawing, as some people do, into a closed world in order to protect ourselves against the unbearable onslaught.
    Ex. The author attempts to sort out the muddle in which librarians have found themselves = El autor intenta aclarar la confusión en la que se encuentran los bibliotecarios.
    Ex. The article 'The print perplex' asserts that librarians must deal with a future of mixed print and digital material, since most books will never be in digital form.
    Ex. The title of the article is 'Survival skills for information professionals in the decade of turbulence'.
    Ex. China has suffered from over a decade of turmoil which has prevented the development of modern information services.
    Ex. Compared to this fairly ordered monographic literature, the multiple contents of a collection of periodicals seemed like a terrible jumble.
    Ex. Read from the perspective of Bakhtin, this blurring of genres is also a blurring of idealogies.
    Ex. A major problem for the technician is one of recognition in situations where there is a clouding of identification with clerical staff.
    Ex. The article 'The daze of future business research' examines changing trends in online business information searching with the rush to the Internet.
    Ex. Management theorists seem unable to cope with the unpredictability, the multivariate nature and the ' messiness' of human organizations in cultural contexts.
    Ex. The results has been an ever greater obfuscation of what constitutes the profession of librarianship.
    Ex. His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.
    Ex. We talk heatedly about books that lie beyond our present concerns because these allow us to speculate and often present us with puzzles we want to explore.
    Ex. The past is often shrouded in a miasma of uncertain memories confounded by missing or incomplete records.
    Ex. His work is such a snarl of so many different things that it is as endlessly demanding as it is rewarding.
    Ex. However, taxi is a more advisable option considering the never-ending Bangkok traffic snarl-up, especially during the rush hour.
    Ex. He believes that most political brouhahas are cooked up to divert the public's attention from the real terrorism.
    Ex. The combination of perplexity over what is the right mix and apparent inability to represent information activity dynamically is very strong.
    * aclarar una confusión = unravel + snarl.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * causar confusión = wreak + confusion, cause + confusion.
    * confusión económica = economic turmoil.
    * confusión histórica = historical confusion.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * estado de confusión = state of confusion.
    * llevar a confusión = lead to + confusion.
    * que induce a confusión = confounding.
    * * *
    a) (desorden, caos) confusion
    b) ( perplejidad) confusion
    c) ( turbación) embarrassment
    d) ( equivocación) confusion
    * * *
    = confounding, confusion, mix-up [mixup], dislocation, welter, muddle, perplex, turbulence, turmoil, jumble, blurring, clouding, daze, messiness, obfuscation, turbulent waters, puzzle, miasma, snarl, snarl-up, brouhaha, perplexity.

    Ex: Experience of IT in USA is associated not infrequently with the confounding of confident expectations.

    Ex: In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.
    Ex: You'll have to call him and tell him there's been a mix-up and that he'll be called as soon as there's another opening.
    Ex: SDC's ORBIT software is a variation on the ELHILL software used with MEDLINE, so users of that data base can move across to SDC with a minimum of dislocation.
    Ex: Without language we would go bumping around in the dark and eventually take leave of our senses under the welter of the incomprehensible, withdrawing, as some people do, into a closed world in order to protect ourselves against the unbearable onslaught.
    Ex: The author attempts to sort out the muddle in which librarians have found themselves = El autor intenta aclarar la confusión en la que se encuentran los bibliotecarios.
    Ex: The article 'The print perplex' asserts that librarians must deal with a future of mixed print and digital material, since most books will never be in digital form.
    Ex: The title of the article is 'Survival skills for information professionals in the decade of turbulence'.
    Ex: China has suffered from over a decade of turmoil which has prevented the development of modern information services.
    Ex: Compared to this fairly ordered monographic literature, the multiple contents of a collection of periodicals seemed like a terrible jumble.
    Ex: Read from the perspective of Bakhtin, this blurring of genres is also a blurring of idealogies.
    Ex: A major problem for the technician is one of recognition in situations where there is a clouding of identification with clerical staff.
    Ex: The article 'The daze of future business research' examines changing trends in online business information searching with the rush to the Internet.
    Ex: Management theorists seem unable to cope with the unpredictability, the multivariate nature and the ' messiness' of human organizations in cultural contexts.
    Ex: The results has been an ever greater obfuscation of what constitutes the profession of librarianship.
    Ex: His experience and expertise has guided IFLA members smoothly across what could easily have been turbulent waters = Sus conocimientos y experiencia en la formulación de los Estatutos ha guiado a los miembros de la IFLA sin problemas a través de lo que podrían haber sido fácilmente aguas turbulentas.
    Ex: We talk heatedly about books that lie beyond our present concerns because these allow us to speculate and often present us with puzzles we want to explore.
    Ex: The past is often shrouded in a miasma of uncertain memories confounded by missing or incomplete records.
    Ex: His work is such a snarl of so many different things that it is as endlessly demanding as it is rewarding.
    Ex: However, taxi is a more advisable option considering the never-ending Bangkok traffic snarl-up, especially during the rush hour.
    Ex: He believes that most political brouhahas are cooked up to divert the public's attention from the real terrorism.
    Ex: The combination of perplexity over what is the right mix and apparent inability to represent information activity dynamically is very strong.
    * aclarar una confusión = unravel + snarl.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * causar confusión = wreak + confusion, cause + confusion.
    * confusión económica = economic turmoil.
    * confusión histórica = historical confusion.
    * de un modo que causa confusión = confusingly.
    * estado de confusión = state of confusion.
    * llevar a confusión = lead to + confusion.
    * que induce a confusión = confounding.

    * * *
    1 (perplejidad) confusion
    para mayor confusión se llaman igual to add to the confusion o to confuse things even more o to make things even more confusing, they have the same name
    2 (desorden, caos) confusion
    3 (turbación) embarrassment
    su inesperada declaración de amor la llenó de confusión his unexpected declaration of love filled her with embarrassment o confusion o threw her into confusion
    tanta amabilidad me produjo una gran confusión I was embarrassed o overwhelmed by so much kindness
    4 (equivocación) confusion
    lamentamos la confusión que hubo con la factura we regret the confusion over the invoice
    sus comentarios se prestan a confusión his comments are open to misinterpretation
    para que no haya más confusiones to avoid any further confusion o any more mix-ups
    * * *


    confusión sustantivo femenino

    confusión sustantivo femenino
    1 (desorden) confusion
    2 (error) mistake
    ' confusión' also found in these entries:
    - barullo
    - belén
    - desbarajuste
    - desconcierto
    - desorientación
    - embrollo
    - folclore
    - follón
    - obnubilar
    - ofuscación
    - para
    - prestarse
    - torre
    - turbación
    - aquél
    - armar
    - bochinche
    - convulsionar
    - desorden
    - ése
    - éste
    - grado
    - jaleo
    - lío
    - mareo
    - medio
    - sólo
    - turbar
    - confusion
    - disarray
    - foul up
    - haziness
    - mess
    - misunderstanding
    - mix-up
    - quagmire
    - rush
    - scramble
    - shambles
    - start
    - turmoil
    - welter
    - add
    - disorder
    - havoc
    - mix
    - straighten
    * * *
    1. [desorden, lío] confusion;
    la confusión aumentó con la llegada del cantante the singer's arrival added to the confusion;
    los ladrones actuaron aprovechando la confusión the thieves took advantage of the confusion;
    hubo una gran confusión there was great confusion;
    existe cierta confusión acerca de lo que realmente quiso decir there is some confusion as to what he really meant
    2. [desconcierto]
    la noticia me llenó de confusión I was disconcerted by the news
    3. [error] mix-up;
    ha habido una confusión there has been a bit of a mix-up;
    esa frase puede llevar a confusión that phrase could lead to confusion o be misinterpreted
    * * *
    f confusion
    * * *
    confusión nf, pl - siones : confusion
    * * *
    1. (falta de claridad) confusion
    2. (equivocación) mistake

    Spanish-English dictionary > confusión

  • 6 incipiente

    1 incipient (inicial).
    una democracia incipiente a fledgling democracy
    una amistad incipiente a budding friendship
    2 commencing.
    f. & m.
    neophyte, novice, newbie.
    * * *
    1 incipient
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo (frml o liter) incipient (liter)
    * * *
    = burgeoning, emerging, nascent, inchoate, fledging, fledgling [fledgeling], incipient, developing, undeveloped, budding.
    Ex. It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
    Ex. We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.
    Ex. Later this strip is retyped into ordinary language, for in its nascent form it is intelligible only to the initiated.
    Ex. The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex. Venture capitalists funded fledging companies in the early days of information technology some of which went on to dominate the market.
    Ex. This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii = Este artículo describe las experiencias de un sistema de información nuevo al verse afectado por un huracán que devastó algunas de las zonas más remotas de Hawaii.
    Ex. They are also helpful in the revision of existing systems that show signs of incipient weakness.
    Ex. I can join a sporting club and combine developing skills with social activities.
    Ex. I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.
    Ex. The current literature in knowledge management can be described as immature, yet budding.
    * barba incipiente = stubble, stubble beard.
    * barba incipiente de moda = designer stubble.
    * * *
    adjetivo (frml o liter) incipient (liter)
    * * *
    = burgeoning, emerging, nascent, inchoate, fledging, fledgling [fledgeling], incipient, developing, undeveloped, budding.

    Ex: It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.

    Ex: We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.
    Ex: Later this strip is retyped into ordinary language, for in its nascent form it is intelligible only to the initiated.
    Ex: The library symbolises freedom for the reader to pursue his own desires, however inchoate.
    Ex: Venture capitalists funded fledging companies in the early days of information technology some of which went on to dominate the market.
    Ex: This article describes the experiences of a fledgling information system in dealing with a hurricane which wreaked devastation on some of the most remote areas of Hawaii = Este artículo describe las experiencias de un sistema de información nuevo al verse afectado por un huracán que devastó algunas de las zonas más remotas de Hawaii.
    Ex: They are also helpful in the revision of existing systems that show signs of incipient weakness.
    Ex: I can join a sporting club and combine developing skills with social activities.
    Ex: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.
    Ex: The current literature in knowledge management can be described as immature, yet budding.
    * barba incipiente = stubble, stubble beard.
    * barba incipiente de moda = designer stubble.

    * * *
    ( frml o liter)
    1 ‹barba/bigote› incipient ( liter)
    2 ‹mejoría/síntoma› incipient ( frml)
    una incipiente amistad a newly found friendship
    esta incipiente democracia this incipient o infant democracy
    * * *

    incipiente adjetivo incipient, budding
    ' incipiente' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [calvicie] incipient;
    lucía una barba incipiente [de joven] he was starting to get a beard;
    [sin afeitar] his chin was covered in stubble
    2. [inicial] incipient;
    [democracia] fledgling; [amistad, talento] budding
    * * *
    adj incipient
    * * *
    : incipient

    Spanish-English dictionary > incipiente

  • 7 obligar

    to oblige, to bind, to coerce, to compel.
    La policía forzó a Ricardo The police coerced Richard.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ LLEGAR], like link=llegar llegar
    1 to force, oblige, make
    1 to undertake, promise
    obligar a alguien a hacer algo to force somebody to do something, make somebody do something
    * * *
    to force, compel, oblige
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=forzar) to force
    2) [ley, norma]

    la disposición obliga a todos los contribuyentes — all taxpayers are bound to observe this requirement, this requirement is binding on all taxpayers

    3) (=empujar) to force
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) circunstancia/persona

    el mal tiempo nos obligó a... — bad weather forced o (frml) obliged us to...

    obligar A alguien A QUE + SUBJ — to make somebody + inf

    b) ley/disposición to bind

    las normas obligan a los maestros a... — the rules oblige teachers to...

    obligarse v pron (refl)

    obligarse A + INF — ( forzarse) to make oneself + inf, force oneself to + inf; ( comprometerse) to undertake to + inf

    * * *
    = bind, compel, constrain, dictate, force, impel, mandate, obligate, oblige, enjoin, enforce.
    Ex. Rules and conditions concerning book lending are the most important items in a library's statute book, binding the reader by specific obligations in the process of borrowing books.
    Ex. It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new role.
    Ex. Model II sees the process in terms of the system forcing or constraining the user to deviate from the 'real' problem.
    Ex. Also, economy dictates that every possible entry cannot be printed.
    Ex. If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.
    Ex. We have already been impelled toward a definition of the future catalog by forces not especially conducive to its development into a more effective instrument.
    Ex. Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.
    Ex. As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.
    Ex. The user interested in children's sports, therefore, is obliged, when looking under the general heading, to differentiate between those works which are general and those which are on men's sports.
    Ex. Heightened interest in the nation's founding and in the intentions of the founders enjoins law librarians to provide reference service for research in the history of the constitutional period.
    Ex. Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    * obligar a = make + it + incumbent upon.
    * obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.
    * obligar a Hacer Algo = push into.
    * obligar a + Infinitivo = push towards + Gerundio.
    * obligar a pagar = enforce + payment.
    * obligar a salir = drive out + with a pitchfork, push out.
    * obligar a salir de = force from.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) circunstancia/persona

    el mal tiempo nos obligó a... — bad weather forced o (frml) obliged us to...

    obligar A alguien A QUE + SUBJ — to make somebody + inf

    b) ley/disposición to bind

    las normas obligan a los maestros a... — the rules oblige teachers to...

    obligarse v pron (refl)

    obligarse A + INF — ( forzarse) to make oneself + inf, force oneself to + inf; ( comprometerse) to undertake to + inf

    * * *
    = bind, compel, constrain, dictate, force, impel, mandate, obligate, oblige, enjoin, enforce.

    Ex: Rules and conditions concerning book lending are the most important items in a library's statute book, binding the reader by specific obligations in the process of borrowing books.

    Ex: It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new role.
    Ex: Model II sees the process in terms of the system forcing or constraining the user to deviate from the 'real' problem.
    Ex: Also, economy dictates that every possible entry cannot be printed.
    Ex: If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.
    Ex: We have already been impelled toward a definition of the future catalog by forces not especially conducive to its development into a more effective instrument.
    Ex: Adequate security for expensive equipment must also be provided for in this decision, and a secluded back room, a remote phone cut-off switch, or a removable keyboard may be mandated.
    Ex: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.
    Ex: The user interested in children's sports, therefore, is obliged, when looking under the general heading, to differentiate between those works which are general and those which are on men's sports.
    Ex: Heightened interest in the nation's founding and in the intentions of the founders enjoins law librarians to provide reference service for research in the history of the constitutional period.
    Ex: Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    * obligar a = make + it + incumbent upon.
    * obligar a cerrar el negocio = force out of + business, force out of + the marketplace.
    * obligar a Hacer Algo = push into.
    * obligar a + Infinitivo = push towards + Gerundio.
    * obligar a pagar = enforce + payment.
    * obligar a salir = drive out + with a pitchfork, push out.
    * obligar a salir de = force from.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.

    * * *
    obligar [A3 ]
    «circunstancia/persona»: obligar a algn A + INF: el mal tiempo nos obligó a retrasar la partida bad weather obliged o forced o compelled us to postpone our departure
    nos obligan a llevar uniforme we are required to o we have to wear uniform
    no lo obligues a comer don't force him to eat, don't make him eat
    lo obligué a pedirle perdón a la abuela I made him apologize to his grandmother
    obligar a algn A QUE + SUBJ to make sb + INF
    oblígalos a que recojan los juguetes make them pick up their toys
    2 «ley/disposición» to bind
    esta ley sólo obliga a los mayores de edad this law only applies to adults, only adults are legally bound by this law
    ( refl)
    1 (forzarse) obligarse A + INF to make oneself + INF, force oneself to + INF
    me obligo a escribir una página todos los días I force myself to write o I make myself write a page every day
    2 (comprometerse) to undertake obligarse A + INF to undertake to + INF
    * * *


    obligar ( conjugate obligar) verbo transitivo
    a) obligar a algn a hacer algo to force sb to do sth, to make sb do sth;

    nos obligan a llevar uniforme we are required to wear uniform;
    obligar a algn A QUE haga algo to make sb do sth
    b) [ley/disposición] to bind

    obligar verbo transitivo to force, oblige: nada te obliga a vivir con él, no-one's forcing you to live with him ➣ Ver nota en make
    ' obligar' also found in these entries:
    - constreñir
    - desalojar
    - echar
    - forzar
    - hacer
    - empujar
    - orillar
    - bully
    - compel
    - constrained
    - drive
    - force
    - force down
    - hand
    - make
    - oblige
    - constrain
    - obligate
    * * *
    1. [sujeto: persona]
    obligar a alguien (a hacer algo) to force sb to do sth, to make sb do sth;
    yo no quería hacerlo, me obligaron I didn't want to do it, they forced me to o they made me;
    no lo compres, nadie te obliga don't buy it, nobody is forcing you;
    la obligué a descansar I made her have a rest;
    a los jefes de departamento se les obliga a presentar un informe al mes the heads of department are required to hand in a monthly report;
    obligar a alguien a que haga algo to force sb to do sth, to make sb do sth;
    la obligué a que me contestase I forced her to answer me, I made her answer me
    2. [sujeto: ley, norma]
    la ley obliga a todos los ciudadanos a declarar sus ingresos all citizens are required by law to declare their income;
    esta norma obliga a los mayores de dieciocho años this rule applies to people over eighteen
    * * *
    obligar a alguien oblige o force s.o. ( a hacer algo to do sth)
    2 de una ley apply to s.o.
    * * *
    obligar {52} vt
    : to force, to require, to oblige
    * * *
    obligar vb to force / to make
    me obligaron a marcharme they forced me to leave / they made me leave

    Spanish-English dictionary > obligar

  • 8 medir

    1 to measure (hacer mediciones).
    Elsa midió la harina Elsa measured the flour.
    Ricardo mide las consecuencias Richard measures=weighs the consequences.
    2 to weigh up.
    3 to weigh carefully (palabras).
    4 to evaluate.
    María midió los resultados Mary evaluated the results.
    5 to take measurements.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ SERVIR], like link=servir servir
    1 (dimensiones) to measure
    2 (riesgos) to gauge, weigh up
    3 (palabras) to weigh, choose carefully
    4 (versos) to scan
    1 (tener una dimensión) to measure, be
    ¿cuánto mides? how tall are you?
    1 to measure oneself
    medirse con alguien to measure oneself against somebody
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=tomar la medida de) [+ habitación, ángulo] to measure; [+ distancia, temperatura] to measure, gauge, gage (EEUU); [+ tierra] to survey, plot
    - medir a algn con la vista
    2) (=calcular) to weigh up

    deberías medir las consecuencias de lo que dicesyou should consider o weigh up the consequences of what you say

    3) (=enfrentar)
    4) (=moderar) [+ comentarios] to choose carefully

    mide tus palabras[aconsejando] choose your words carefully; [regañando] mind your language

    5) (Literat) to scan

    ¿cómo se mide este verso? — how does this line scan?

    VI to measure, be

    ¿cuánto mides? — how tall are you?

    mido 1,80m — I am 1.80m

    * * *
    verbo transitivo

    ¿me mide tres metros de esta tela? — can you measure me off three meters of this material?

    2) ( tener ciertas dimensiones) to be, measure

    mido 60 cm de cinturaI measure o I'm 60 cm round the waist

    ¿cuánto mide de alto/largo? — how tall/long is it?

    mide casi 1,90 m — he's almost 1.90 m (tall)

    3) (calcular, considerar) to consider, weigh up
    4) ( moderar)

    mide tus palabrasyou'd better choose o weigh your words carefully

    medirse v pron
    1) (refl) to measure oneself; <caderas/pecho> to measure
    2) (Col, Méx, Ven) ( probarse) to try on
    * * *
    = measure, quantify, gauge, meter, clock.
    Ex. Thus it is apparent that it is easier to measure precision that recall.
    Ex. The two measurements are quantified as the recall ratio and the precision ratio.
    Ex. The 2nd 'Think Tank' held in Dallas, June 89, focused on gauging what breakthrough issues are occurring in the field that directly concern libraries and merit consideration.
    Ex. The author concludes that a hybrid approach may be the ideal; involving an initial fee of one tenth the usual, single subscription price, and metering subsequent use.
    Ex. The cameras clock your speed and if you are going faster than you are supposed to, you can get a speed ticket in the post.
    * cinta de medir = measuring tape.
    * fácil de medir = measurable.
    * imposible de medir = incommemsurable, incommensurate.
    * medir a dos raseros = double standard.
    * medir el impacto de Algo = gauge + the impact of.
    * medir la profundidad de Algo = plumb + the depths of.
    * medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * medirse la fuerzas (con) = lock + horns (with).
    * medirse las fuerzas = pit against.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo

    ¿me mide tres metros de esta tela? — can you measure me off three meters of this material?

    2) ( tener ciertas dimensiones) to be, measure

    mido 60 cm de cinturaI measure o I'm 60 cm round the waist

    ¿cuánto mide de alto/largo? — how tall/long is it?

    mide casi 1,90 m — he's almost 1.90 m (tall)

    3) (calcular, considerar) to consider, weigh up
    4) ( moderar)

    mide tus palabrasyou'd better choose o weigh your words carefully

    medirse v pron
    1) (refl) to measure oneself; <caderas/pecho> to measure
    2) (Col, Méx, Ven) ( probarse) to try on
    * * *
    = measure, quantify, gauge, meter, clock.

    Ex: Thus it is apparent that it is easier to measure precision that recall.

    Ex: The two measurements are quantified as the recall ratio and the precision ratio.
    Ex: The 2nd 'Think Tank' held in Dallas, June 89, focused on gauging what breakthrough issues are occurring in the field that directly concern libraries and merit consideration.
    Ex: The author concludes that a hybrid approach may be the ideal; involving an initial fee of one tenth the usual, single subscription price, and metering subsequent use.
    Ex: The cameras clock your speed and if you are going faster than you are supposed to, you can get a speed ticket in the post.
    * cinta de medir = measuring tape.
    * fácil de medir = measurable.
    * imposible de medir = incommemsurable, incommensurate.
    * medir a dos raseros = double standard.
    * medir el impacto de Algo = gauge + the impact of.
    * medir la profundidad de Algo = plumb + the depths of.
    * medir las palabras = watch + Posesivo + mouth, watch what + say, weigh + Posesivo + words (carefully), choose + Posesivo + words (carefully), pick + Posesivo + words (carefully), measure + Posesivo + words (carefully).
    * medirse la fuerzas (con) = lock + horns (with).
    * medirse las fuerzas = pit against.
    * sin medir = unmeasured.

    * * *
    medir [ I14 ]
    A ‹habitación/ángulo› to measure; ‹distancia/temperatura/velocidad› to measure, gauge
    ¿me mide tres metros de esta tela? can you measure me off three meters of this material?
    mido 60 cm de cintura I measure o I'm 60 cm round the waist
    la tela mide 90 cm de ancho the cloth is 90 cm wide
    la mesa mide 50 por 40 the table is 50 by 40, the table measures 50 by 40
    ¿cuánto mide de ancho/largo? how wide/long is it?
    mide casi 1,90 m he's almost 1.90 m (tall)
    medía 52 cm al nacer she measured o was 52 cm at birth
    C (calcular, considerar) to consider, weigh up
    eso te pasa por no medir las consecuencias de tus actos that is what happens (to you) when you don't consider the consequences of your actions
    midió cuidadosamente las ventajas y los inconvenientes de la oferta she carefully weighed up the pros and cons of the offer
    (moderar): mediré mis palabras I'll choose my words carefully, I'll weigh my words
    tuvo que medir lo que decía para no ofender a nadie he had to choose o measure his words carefully so as not to offend anyone, he had to be as restrained as possible in what he said so as not to offend anyone
    A ( refl) to measure oneself; ‹caderas/pecho› to measure
    me medí sin zapatos I measured myself without shoes on
    mídete la cintura measure your waist
    medírsele a algo/algn ( Col): me retó a cruzar el río a nado, pero no me le medí al asunto he dared me to swim across the river but I didn't take up the challenge
    era capaz de medírsele a cualquier tarea she was capable of taking on o tackling any task
    B (Col, Méx) (probarse) ‹ropa/zapatos› to try on
    * * *


    medir ( conjugate medir) verbo transitivo
    1habitación/distancia/velocidad to measure
    2 ( tener ciertas dimensiones) to be, measure;
    mido 60 cm de cintura I measure o I'm 60 cm round the waist;

    ¿cuánto mide de alto/largo? how tall/long is it?;
    mide casi 1,90 m he's almost 1.90 m (tall)
    3 (calcular, considerar) to consider, weigh up;
    medir los pros y contras de algo to weigh up the pros and cons of sth.

    medirse verbo pronominal
    1 ( refl) to measure oneself;
    caderas/pecho to measure
    2 (Col, Méx, Ven) ( probarse) to try on
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (dimensiones) to measure
    2 (ponderar) to weigh up: deberías medir los riesgos, you should weigh up the risks
    II verbo intransitivo to measure, be: mide dos metros de alto, he is two metres tall
    mide cinco metros de ancho, it is five metres wide
    ' medir' also found in these entries:
    - metro
    - rasero
    - regla
    - tallar
    - contorno
    - huincha
    - mida
    - varilla
    double standards
    - gauge
    - measure
    - measure out
    - pace out
    - precisely
    - record
    - stand
    - survey
    - measuring
    - meter
    - weigh
    * * *
    1. [hacer mediciones] to measure;
    2. [verso] to scan
    3. [sopesar] to weigh up;
    tenemos que medir las ventajas y desventajas de este sistema we have to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of this system
    4. [palabras] to weigh carefully;
    mide bien tus palabras cuando hables con ellos be careful what you say when you talk to them
    5. [fuerzas]
    los dos equipos medirán sus fuerzas en la semifinal the two sides will do battle in the semifinal
    [tener de medida]
    ¿cuánto mides? how tall are you?;
    ¿cuánto mide de largo? how long o what length is it?;
    mido 1,80 I'm 6 foot (tall);
    mide diez metros it's ten metres long;
    el cuadro mide 30 por 90 the picture measures o is 30 by 90;
    mide dos metros de ancho por cuatro de largo it's two metres wide by four metres long;
    mide 90-60-90 her vital statistics are 36-24-36;
    este armario mide demasiado this cupboard is too big
    * * *
    I v/t measure;
    medir sus palabras fig weigh one’s words
    II v/i
    mide 2 metros de ancho/largo/alto it’s 2 meters wide/long/tall
    * * *
    medir {54} vt
    1) : to measure
    2) : to weigh, to consider
    medir los riesgos: to weigh the risks
    medir vi
    : to measure
    * * *
    medir vb to measure

    Spanish-English dictionary > medir

  • 9 en relación con

    = in association with, in conjunction with, in connection with, in relation to, in respect of, in terms of, in the way of, relating to, relative to, vis à vis, with reference to, with regard(s) to, apropos of, as it relates to, in the context of, for purposes of, on the matter of, re, regarding, apropos to, in reference to, concerning, in keeping with
    Ex. Notices conveying, for example, the essential elements of the catalogue are likely to be especially important in association with microfilm or card catalogues.
    Ex. Rules for any given class must be used in conjunction with the schedules for that class.
    Ex. There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex. It is easiest to discuss the criteria for effective schedules in relation to the treatment of specific subjects.
    Ex. It is perhaps fortunate that the array of terms that are used to describe indexes is a little more restricted than the variety of terms used in respect of catalogues.
    Ex. And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.
    Ex. Indeed, the changes are so rapid and so diverse, our plans for the future must also include what is presently possible in the way of information dissemination.
    Ex. Recommendations relating to analytical cataloguing practices concern themselves primarily with the way in which the part of a document or work to be accessed is described.
    Ex. It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
    Ex. The information note following the explanatory heading provides guidance to the user of the catalogue vis à vis the conventions used in formulating uniform headings.
    Ex. General points have been illustrated with reference to the cataloguing of books.
    Ex. KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.
    Ex. After a few tangential remarks apropos of nothing, Carmichael left, a considerably less anxious person.
    Ex. This article reviews the mission of the ALA's Committee on Accreditation (COA) and examines its role as it relates to the education of librarians qualified to work with children and young people.
    Ex. The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.
    Ex. This article discusses the advantages to libraries of computer technology for purposes of bibliographic control and on-line access.
    Ex. Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.
    Ex. This reawakening brought a determination to help make atomic energy a positive factor for humanity but things have gone from bad to worse re genuine disarmament.
    Ex. In major enumerative schemes synthesis is often controlled by careful instructions regarding citation order.
    Ex. Thus, self-presentation becomes a dynamic conception of people structuring their relations apropos to their life-space, rather than a theory of how to win friends and influence people.
    Ex. We now know enough in reference to the prevention and cure of communicable diseases so that the average human life might be lengthened by a third.
    Ex. Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.
    Ex. This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.
    * * *
    = in association with, in conjunction with, in connection with, in relation to, in respect of, in terms of, in the way of, relating to, relative to, vis à vis, with reference to, with regard(s) to, apropos of, as it relates to, in the context of, for purposes of, on the matter of, re, regarding, apropos to, in reference to, concerning, in keeping with

    Ex: Notices conveying, for example, the essential elements of the catalogue are likely to be especially important in association with microfilm or card catalogues.

    Ex: Rules for any given class must be used in conjunction with the schedules for that class.
    Ex: There is an index to the schedules, but this has been criticised in connection with the size of the entry vocabulary.
    Ex: It is easiest to discuss the criteria for effective schedules in relation to the treatment of specific subjects.
    Ex: It is perhaps fortunate that the array of terms that are used to describe indexes is a little more restricted than the variety of terms used in respect of catalogues.
    Ex: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.
    Ex: Indeed, the changes are so rapid and so diverse, our plans for the future must also include what is presently possible in the way of information dissemination.
    Ex: Recommendations relating to analytical cataloguing practices concern themselves primarily with the way in which the part of a document or work to be accessed is described.
    Ex: It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
    Ex: The information note following the explanatory heading provides guidance to the user of the catalogue vis à vis the conventions used in formulating uniform headings.
    Ex: General points have been illustrated with reference to the cataloguing of books.
    Ex: KWOC or Keyword Out of Context indexes are intended to improve upon KWIC indexes, with regards to layout and presentation.
    Ex: After a few tangential remarks apropos of nothing, Carmichael left, a considerably less anxious person.
    Ex: This article reviews the mission of the ALA's Committee on Accreditation (COA) and examines its role as it relates to the education of librarians qualified to work with children and young people.
    Ex: The exploration aims to view table of contents terminology in the context of functions served by other representations of subject information, including Library of Congress subject headings, work title terminology, and author-contributed front matter.
    Ex: This article discusses the advantages to libraries of computer technology for purposes of bibliographic control and on-line access.
    Ex: Again, on the matter of the sources already consulted by the enquirer, the implication is not that he is unreliable or deceitful, but that in looking up the Encyclopedia Americana he may not be aware of the existence of the index.
    Ex: This reawakening brought a determination to help make atomic energy a positive factor for humanity but things have gone from bad to worse re genuine disarmament.
    Ex: In major enumerative schemes synthesis is often controlled by careful instructions regarding citation order.
    Ex: Thus, self-presentation becomes a dynamic conception of people structuring their relations apropos to their life-space, rather than a theory of how to win friends and influence people.
    Ex: We now know enough in reference to the prevention and cure of communicable diseases so that the average human life might be lengthened by a third.
    Ex: Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.
    Ex: This revised chapter modified the code in keeping with the recently agreed ISBD(M), and proposed a slightly different description for monographs.

    Spanish-English dictionary > en relación con

  • 10 предполагать

    (= предположить) assume, presuppose, suppose, expect, fancy, intend, imagine, speculate
    Без потери общности можно предположить, что х < 1, так как... - No generality is lost by assuming x < 1, since...
    Без потери общности можно предположить, что... - There is no loss of generality in assuming that...
    Более точно, предположим, что... - More precisely, we shall suppose that...
    Будем временно предполагать, что... - We will tentatively assume that...; For now, we will assume that...; For the time being we will assume that...
    Будем также предполагать... - We shall also assume...
    Было бы неверно предполагать, что... - It would be wrong to assume that...
    В любом случае, разумно предположить, что... - In any case, it is reasonable to suppose that...
    В нашем изложении мы уже предположили, что... - We have assumed in our exposition that...
    В нескольких следующих примерах мы будем предполагать для удобства, что... - In the next few examples we will assume for convenience that...
    В оставшейся части нашего анализа мы будем предполагать, что... - We shall assume for the remainder of this analysis that...
    В предыдущем рассмотрении мы автоматически предполагали, что... - In the above treatment, it has been tacitly assumed that...
    В старой литературе было принято предполагать, что... - In the early literature, it was usual to assume that...
    В частности, мы предполагаем знакомство (читателя) с... - In particular, we assume familiarity with...
    В частности, предположим, что возможно... - In particular, suppose it is possible to...
    В этой формуле мы все еще не предположили, что... - In this formula we have not yet assumed that...
    Вместо этого мы должны предположить, что... - Instead, we must assume that...
    Временно будем предполагать, что... - We will assume for the time being that...
    Временно предположим, что... - We shall assume for the moment that...
    Всюду в этом параграфе мы предполагали, что... - Throughout this section we have assumed that...
    Всюду далее мы предполагаем, что... - We shall suppose throughout that...
    Далее предполагаем, что... - Assuming further that...
    Для определенности давайте предположим, что... - То be specific let us assume that...
    Для определенности мы предположим, что... - For definiteness we shall suppose that...
    Для сохранения аргументации давайте предположим, что... - Let us assume for the sake of argument that...
    Для того, чтобы это сравнение имело смысл, мы дополнительно предполагаем, что... - For the comparison to be meaningful, we also assume that...
    Для удобства мы предполагаем, что... - For the sake of convenience we have assumed that...
    До сих пор мы не предполагали, что... - So far we have not assumed that...
    Допустимо предполагать, что... - It is permissible to assume that...
    Естественно предполагать, что... - It would appear reasonable that...
    Здесь уже было предположено, что... - It has been assumed, of course, that...
    Интуитивно кажется разумным предположить, что... - It is intuitively reasonable to suppose that...
    Интуитивно мы бы предположили, что... - Intuitively we would suppose that...
    Исходя из этой модели, можно было бы предположить, что... - From this model one may expect that...
    К примеру, можно было бы предположить, что... - It might, for example, be conjectured that...
    Кажется разумным предполагать... - It seems reasonable to conjecture that...
    Кажется разумным предположить, что... - It seems reasonable to assume that...
    Как и ранее, мы будем предполагать, что... - We shall assume as before that...
    Можно предположить, что... - It can be assumed that...; It may be supposed that...; One may conjecture that...
    Можно с уверенностью предположить, что... - It is safe to assume that...; It may be safely suggested that...
    Можно смело предположить, что... - It is plausible to assume that...
    Мы будем предполагать присутствие... - We shall assume the presence of...
    Мы будем предполагать, что читатель обладает очевидной интуитивной концепцией (= идеей)... - We shall assume that the reader has a clear intuitive idea of...
    Мы всегда будем предполагать, что... - We will always assume that...
    Мы вынуждены предположить, что... - One is tempted to surmise that...
    Мы могли бы предположить это (исходя) из... - We might suspect this from...
    Мы могли бы также предположить, что... - We might also conjecture that...
    Мы молчаливо предполагаем, что... - We tacitly assume that...
    Мы не будем заранее предполагать, что... - We do not presume to...
    Мы неявно предположили, что... - We have implicitly supposed A to be continuous on...
    Мы предполагаем без обсуждения, что... - We assume without discussion that...
    Мы предполагаем лишь очень небольшое знание... - We assume very little knowledge of...
    Мы предполагаем, что это условие выполнено. - We assume this condition to be fulfilled.
    На основе своих наблюдений Смит [1] предположил, что... - Smith [1] conjectured from his observations that...
    На этом этапе мы не можем предполагать, что... - At this stage we cannot assume that...
    Например, предположим, что... - For instance, suppose that...
    Например, предположим, что мы хотим... - Suppose, for example, that we wish to...
    Начиная с этого момента, предположим, что... - Let us assume from now on that...
    Нет оснований предполагать, что... - There is no reason to suppose that...
    Один способ продолжить это состоит в том, чтобы предположить, что... - One way of proceeding is to suppose that...
    Однако было бы совершенно неверно предполагать, что... - It would be very wrong to assume, however, that...
    Однако не так уж очевидно, что справедливо предположить, что... - However, it is not obviously valid to assume that...
    Однако нельзя предполагать, что... - It cannot be assumed, however, that...
    Однако предположим, что мы хотим получить... - But suppose that we wish to obtain...
    Однако теперь мы предположим, что... - For the present, however, we shall assume that...
    Однако этот результат действительно предполагает, что... - The result does assume, however, that...
    Основываясь на этих примерах, мы могли бы предположить, что... - Based on these examples, one might conjecture that...
    Остается лишь возможность предположить, что... - The remaining possibility is to assume that...
    Очевидно, что нам не требуется предполагать, что... - It is evidently unnecessary to suppose that...
    По причинам, которые станут ясны позднее, мы предполагаем, что... - We assume, for reasons which will become apparent, that...
    Повсюду в данной главе мы будем предполагать, что... - Throughout this chapter we have assumed that...
    Предварительно мы предполагаем, что... - Tentatively we assume that...
    Предположим на минуту, что... - Assume for the moment that...
    Предположим от противного, что... - Suppose, by contradiction, that...
    Предположим, что... - Let us suppose that...
    Предположим, что вместо этого мы заинтересованы в... - Suppose instead that we are interested in...
    Предположим, что мы желаем найти... - Let us suppose that we wish to find...
    Принято предполагать, что... - It is customary to assume that...; It is commonly supposed that...
    Рекомендуется предположить, что... - It is tempting to assume that...
    С целью анализа мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    С целью упростить обозначения, мы предполагаем, что... - For simplicity of notation, we assume that...
    Самое главное, мы не можем предположить в общем случае, что... - Above all, we cannot assume in general that...
    Следовательно, мы всегда будем предполагать, что... - Henceforth we shall always assume that...
    Следовательно, мы предполагаем (не зная того точно), что... - We presume, therefore, that...
    Следовательно, разумно предположить, что... - It is thus reasonable to assume/suppose that...
    Сначала предположили, что... - Initially, it was supposed that...
    Справедливо предполагалось, что... - It was correctly reasoned that...; It was correctly supposed that...
    Считалось разумным предполагать, что... -jit was considered reasonable to assume that...
    Такая точка зрения предполагает, что... - This view presumes that...
    Теперь мы можем предположить, что... - We may now suppose that...
    Теперь мы предполагаем, что... - At this point, we assume that...
    Теперь мы предположим, что... - For now we assume that...
    Теперь, хотя мы в этом и не уверены, предположим, что... - Let us now assume tentatively that...
    Чтобы доказать (эту) теорему, во-первых, предположим, что... - То prove the theorem, suppose first that...
    Чтобы объяснить получившийся результат, мы могли бы предположить, что... - То explain the above result, we could suppose that...
    Чтобы получить неявное выражение для /(ж) предположим, что... - То obtain an explicit expression for f(x), suppose that...
    Чтобы попытаться исключить это затруднение, давайте предположим, что... - In an attempt to remove this difficulty, let us assume that...
    Чтобы проанализировать, мы предположим... - For purposes of analysis we shall assume...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать (это), предположим, что... - By way of illustration, suppose that...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать это наиболее простым примером, предположим, что... - То take the simplest possible illustration, suppose that...
    Чтобы упростить задачу, давайте предположим, что... -То simplify the problem, let us suppose that...
    Чтобы учесть данный факт, Максвелл предположил, что... - То account for this fact, Maxwell supposed that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > предполагать

  • 11 enfrentado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: enfrentar.
    * * *
    ADJ [posiciones] conflicting; [opiniones] opposing
    * * *
    - da adjetivo conflicting
    * * *
    = confronting, inimical, adversarial, head-to-head, competing.
    Ex. It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new roles.
    Ex. Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex. The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex. The database will compete head-to-head with other information providers by making information freely available on the Internet.
    Ex. This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    * enfrentado a = at odds with.
    * enfrentado a + Nombre = faced with + Nombre.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * partes enfrentadas = warring parties.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo conflicting
    * * *
    = confronting, inimical, adversarial, head-to-head, competing.

    Ex: It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new roles.

    Ex: Anita Schiller's own grim conclusion was that 'These two opposing and often inimical views, when incorporated within reference service, often reduce overall effectiveness'.
    Ex: The relationship between the author and editor is based on collaboration, but can also be adversarial at certain points.
    Ex: The database will compete head-to-head with other information providers by making information freely available on the Internet.
    Ex: This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.
    * enfrentado a = at odds with.
    * enfrentado a + Nombre = faced with + Nombre.
    * estar enfrentados = be at loggerheads.
    * partes enfrentadas = warring parties.

    * * *
    * * *
    enfrentado, -a adj
    mantienen posturas enfrentadas they hold conflicting views

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfrentado

  • 12 πίστις

    πίστις, εως, ἡ (Hes., Hdt.+; ranging in meaning from subjective confidence to objective basis for confidence).
    the state of being someone in whom confidence can be placed, faithfulness, reliability, fidelity, commitment (X., An. 1, 6, 3; 3, 3, 4; Aristot., Eth. Eud, 7, 2, 1237b, 12; Polyb. 7, 12, 9; 38, 1, 8 al.; Herodian 2, 14, 4 al.; SIG 675, 22; OGI 557, 16; PTebt 27, 6; 51 [II B.C.]; POxy 494, 9; 705, 32; other pap M-M. s.v.; Ps 32:4; Pr 12:22; Jos., Ant. 2, 61; TestAsh 7:7) w. κρίσις and ἔλεος Mt 23:23. (Opp. ἀπιστία as Hes., Op. 370) τὴν πίστιν τοῦ θεοῦ καταργεῖν nullify the faithfulness/commitment of God (cp. Ps 32:4; Hos 2:22) Ro 3:3. πᾶσαν π. ἐνδείκνυσθαι ἀγαθήν show all good faith(fulness) Tit 2:10 (cp. BGU 314, 19 μετὰ πίστεως ἀγαθῆς). W. other virtues Gal 5:22 (on πίστις, πραΰτης cp. Sir 45:4; 1:27). W. ὑπομονή 2 Th 1:4. τὴν πίστιν τετήρηκα I have remained faithful or loyal (πίστιν τηρεῖν as Polyb. 6, 56, 13; 10, 37, 5; Jos., Bell. 2, 121; 6, 345; OGI 339, 46f; IBM III, 587b, 5f [Dssm., LO 262=LAE 309, esp. note 3]) 2 Ti 4:7, though this would be classified by some under 3 below. S. also 1c below.
    a solemn promise to be faithful and loyal, assurance, oath, troth (X., Cyr. 7, 1, 44; 8, 8, 3, Hell. 1, 3, 12; Diod S 14, 9, 7; Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 86 §362 μεγάλας πίστεις ἔδωκεν=solemn assurances; 3 Macc 3:10; Jos., Ant. 12, 382) τὴν πρώτην πίστιν ἠθέτησαν 1 Ti 5:12 (s. also ἀθετέω 1 and cp. CIA app. [Wünsch, Praef. p. xv] of a woman who πρώτη ἠθέτησεν τὴν πίστιν to her husband). Cp. Rv 2:3.
    a token offered as a guarantee of someth. promised, proof, pledge (Pla., Phd. 70b; Isocr. 3, 8; Aristot., Rhet. 1, 1; 3, 13; Epicurus in Diog. L. 10, 63; 85: πίστις βεβαία=dependable proof; Polyb. 3, 100, 3; Περὶ ὕψους 39, 3=p. 74, 20 V.; Epict. 1, 28, 3; Appian, Bell. Civ. 4, 119 §500; Jos., Ant. 15, 69) πίστιν παρασχὼν πᾶσιν ἀναστήσας αὐτόν (God has appointed a man [Jesus] to be judge of the world, and) he has furnished proof (of his fitness for this office) to all people by raising him (on πίστιν παρέχειν cp. Jos., Ant. 2, 218 πίστιν παρεῖχε; 15, 260; Polyb. 2, 52, 4 πίστιν παρέσχετο=gave a pledge, security; Vett. Val. 277, 29f) Ac 17:31. JBarton, Biblica 40, ’59, 878–84: π. in 2 Ti 4:7= bond deposited by an athlete. But see 3 below.—WSchmitz, ῾Η Πίστις in den Papyri, diss. Cologne, ’64.
    state of believing on the basis of the reliability of the one trusted, trust, confidence, faith in the active sense=‘believing’, in ref. to deity (Soph. Oed. R. 1445 νῦν γʼ ἂν τῷ θεῷ πίστιν φέροις; Pla., Leg. 12, 966de; Plut. Mor. 402e; 756b; Dio Chrys. 3, 51 παρὰ θεῶν τιμὴ κ. πίστις; Ael. Aristid. 13 p. 226 D.: πίστιν ἐν τ. θεοῖς ἔχειν; Appian, Liby. 57 §248 ἐς θεοὺς πίστις; Ep. 33 of Apollonius of Tyana [Philostrat. I 352, 14]; Herm. Wr. 9, 10 ἐπίστευσε καὶ ἐν τῇ καλῇ πίστει ἐπανεπαύσατο; Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 21 τῆς βεβαίας πίστεως, τὸ μεμαθηκέναι, ὅτι ὑπὸ τοῦ θεοῦ προνοεῖται πάντα. The divinity Πίστις in Plut., Num. 70 [16, 1] and in magic [exx. in Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 234f, among them Aberciusins. 12; PGM 4, 1014 ἀλήθεια καὶ πίστις; 12, 228]; Wsd 3:14; 4 Macc 15:24; 16:22; 17:2; Philo, Abr. 270; 271; 273, Mut. Nom. 182, Migr. Abr. 43f, Conf. Lingu. 31, Poster. Cai. 13 [on faith in Philo s. the lit. given under πιστεύω 2aα]; Jos, C. Ap. 2, 163; 169; Just., A I, 52, 1 πίστιν ἔχειν; 53, 11 πειθὼ καὶ πίστιν … ἐμφορῆσαι), in our lit. directed toward God and Christ, their revelations, teachings, promises, their power and readiness to aid.
    God: πίστις θεοῦ (cp. Jos., Ant. 17, 179.—Cp. π. καὶ φόβος ὁ τοῦ θεοῦ Theoph. Ant. 1, 7 [p. 72, 26]) faith, trust, confidence in God Mk 11:22; cp. Ac 19:20 D; 1 Cl 3:4; 27:3. π. θείου πνεύμαπος faith in the divine spirit Hm 11:9. ἡ π. τοῦ κυρίου Hs 6, 3, 6. π. (καὶ ἐλπὶς) εἰς θεόν 1 Pt 1:21. π. ἐπὶ θεόν Hb 6:1. ἡ πίστις ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεόν 1 Th 1:8 (on the constr. w. πρὸς τ. θ. cp. Philo, Abr. 268; 271; 273; Just., D. 121, 2 διὰ τὴν πρὸς τὸν ἥλιον π.).—πίστις can also be characterized as faith in God by the context, without the addition of specific words; so in connection w. OT personalities: Abraham Ro 4:5, 9, 11–13, 16, 19f (s. also 2dα below); 1 Cl 10:7; 31:2; of Rahab 12:1, 8; of Esther 55:6 (ἡ τελεία κατὰ πίστιν). The OT heroes of faith Hb 11:4–33, 39 (w. this catalogue of heroes cp. Il. 4, 457–538; 2 Km 23:8–39; 1 Ch 11:10–12:18; CGordon, Homer, and the Bible: HUCA 26, ’55, 83).—But in Hb it is also true that God is specifically the object of the Christian’s faith, and Christ 12:2 is ὁ τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸς καὶ τελειώτης. Cp. 10:38; 11:3; 13:7. (On faith in Hb s. Schlatter, Der Glaube im NT4 1927, 520ff; BHeigl, Verfasser u. Adresse des Hb 1905, 109–18; GHoennicke, Die sittl. Anschauungen des Hb: ZWT 45, 1902, 26ff; Windisch, Hdb. exc. on Hb 11; Riggenbach and Michel on Hb 11; Strathmann on 10:38. S. ὑπόστασις end.)—ἐὰν ἔχητε πίστιν Mt 17:20. Opp. doubt 21:21. αἰτεῖν ἐν πίστει μηδὲν διακρινόμενος Js 1:6. ἡ εὐχὴ τῆς πίστεως 5:15 (εὐχή 1). ἡ πίστις τῆς ἐνεργείας τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ ἐγείραντος αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead Col 2:12.
    α. of belief and trust in the Lord’s help in physical and spiritual distress; oft. in the synopt. gospels: Mt 8:10; 9:2, 22, 29 (κατὰ τὴν πίστιν ὑμῶν); 15:28; Mk 2:5; 4:40; 5:34; 10:52; Lk 5:20; 7:9, 50; 8:25, 48; 17:19; 18:42.—Cp. ἔχει πίστιν τοῦ σωθῆναι (the lame man) had faith that he would be cured Ac 14:9.
    β. of faith in Christ, designated by the addition of certain words. By the obj. gen. (s. Just., D. 52, 4 διὰ τῆς πίστεως τῆς τοῦ χριστοῦ) πίστις Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ faith in Jesus Christ (and sim. exprs. On interp. as obj. gen. s. AHultgren, NovT 22, ’80, 248–63 [lit.]; response SWilliams, CBQ 49, ’87, 431–47.) Ro 3:22, 26; Gal 2:16ab, 20; 3:22; Eph 3:12; Phil 3:9a; Js 2:1; Rv 14:12; cp. 2:13 (ἡ πίστις μου=faith in me, the Human One [Son of Man]); IMg 1:1. (The πίστις Χριστοῦ in Paul is taken as a subj. gen. by JHaussleiter, Der Glaube Jesu Christi 1891, Was versteht Paulus unter christlichem Glauben?: Greifswalder Studien für HCremer 1895, 161–82 and GKittel, StKr 79, 1906, 419ff. See also Schläger, ZNW 7, 1906, 356–58; BLongenecker, NTS 39, ’93, 478–80 [lit. since ’81]; DCampbell, JBL 113, ’94, 265–85; response BDodd, 114, ’95, 470–73.—ADeissmann, Paulus2 1925, 125f [Paul, tr. WWilson, 1926, 162ff], speaks of the mystical gen., ‘faith in Christ’. Likew. HWeber, Die Formel ‘in Christo Jesu’: NKZ 31, 1920, 213ff, esp. 231, 3; WWeber, Christusmystik 1924, 82. S. also LAlbrecht, Der Glaube Jesu Christi 1921; OSchmitz, Die Christusgemeinschaft des Pls im Lichte seines Genetivgebr. 1924, 91–134; OHoltzmann, D. Glaube an Jes.: Stromata 1930, 11–25; GTaylor, JBL 85, ’66, 58–76: the passages in Gal=Christ’s reliability as a trustee. Cp. GHoward, HTR 60, ’67, 459–65; MHooker, NTS 35, ’89, 321–42.)—By prepositional phrases: πίστις εἰς Χριστόν (and sim. exprs.) faith in Christ Ac 20:21; 24:24; 26:18; Col 2:5 (Just., D. 40, 1).—Also πίστις ἐν Χριστῷ (and sim.) Gal 3:26; Eph 1:15; Col 1:4; 1 Ti 3:13; 2 Ti 3:15; 1 Cl 22:1. In ἱλαστήριον διὰ πίστεως ἐν τῷ αὐτοῦ αἵματι Ro 3:25, ἐν κτλ. prob. goes not w. πίστις, but w. ἱλαστήριον (s. Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; W-S. §20, 5d).—πίστις, ἣν ἔχεις πρὸς τ. κύριον Ἰησοῦν Phlm 5.—πίστις διὰ τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰ. Χριστοῦ Ac 20:21 D; sim. ἡ πίστις ἡ διʼ αὐτοῦ 3:16b (cp. 1 Pt 1:21).—Jesus Christ is called ἡ τελεία πίστις ISm 10:2.
    πίστις can also be characterized by an objective gen. of the thing: ἡ πίστις τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ faith in his (Jesus’) name Ac 3:16a. ἡ πίστις τοῦ εὐαγγελίου Phil 1:27. εὐαγγελίων πίστις Dg 11:6. πίστις ἀληθείας 2 Th 2:13.
    πίστις is found mostly without an obj., faith, firm commitment
    α. as true piety, genuine devotion (Sextus 7a and 7; ParJer 6:7), which for our lit. means being a Christian (τὸ ἀληθινὸν πάσχα … πίστει νονούμενον Hippol., Ref. 8, 18, 1; Did., Gen. 54, 11) Lk 18:8 (s. Jülicher, Gleichn. 288); 22:32; Ac 6:5=vs. 8 v.l.; cp. 11:24.—6:7; 13:8; 14:22; 15:9; 16:5; Ro 1:5, 8, 12, 17ab (ἐκ πίστεως εἰς πίστιν does not mean a gradation [as, in a way, Appian, Mithrid. 40 §154: Sulla came upon ἕτερον ὅμοιον ἐξ ἑτέρου=one wall, i.e. fortification, after another similar one] or a transition from one kind to another [Himerius, Or.=Ecl. 10, 6 ἐκ ᾠδῆς εἰς ᾠδὴν ἄλλην μετέβαλον=they changed from one kind of song to another], but merely expresses in a rhetorical way that πίστις is the beginning and the end; s. Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc., and a grave-ins [ANock, Sallust. p. xxxiii, 94] ἐκ γῆς εἰς γῆν ὁ βίος οὗτοσ=‘dust is the beginning and the end of human life’.—AFridrichsen, ConNeot 12, ’48, 54); 17c (here and in Gal 3:11 the LXX of Hab 2:4 [DCampbell, JBL 116, ’97, 713–19] is not followed literally, since it has ἐκ πίστεώς μου=‘as a result of my faithfulness’; even in Hb 10:38, where μου does occur, it goes w. δίκαιος, not w. πίστεως); Ro 3:27f (Luther’s addition of the word ‘alone’ in vs. 28 is hard to contest linguistically. Cp., e.g., Diog. L. 9, 6: Heraclitus wrote his work in very obscure language ὅπως οἱ δυνάμενοι προσίοιεν αὐτῷ=in order that only the capable might approach it. S. also Fitzmyer, ABComm. 360–64), 30f; 4:5–20 (s. also 2a above); 5:1f; 9:30, 32; 10:6, 17; 11:20 (opp. ἀπιστία); 12:3, 6 (s. ἀναλογία; for a difft. view 3 below); 14:1, 22 (s. ἐνώπιον 2b; others would place in 2dε), 23ab (but s. ε below); 16:26; 1 Cor 2:5; 15:14, 17; 16:13; 2 Cor 1:24ab; 4:13; 10:15; 13:5; Gal 3:7–26; 5:5, 6 (s. ἐνεργέω 1b); 6:10 (οἱ οἰκεῖοι τῆς πίστεως, s. οἰκεῖος b); Eph 2:8; 3:17; 4:5, 13; 6:16; Phil 1:25 (χαρὰ τῆς πίστεως); 2:17; 3:9b; Col 1:23; 2:7; 1 Th 3:2, 5, 7, 10; 2 Th 1:3, 11; 3:2; 1 Ti 1:2, 4, 5 (π. ἀνυπόκριτος), 19ab; 4:1; 5:8; 6:10, 12, 21 (but s. 3 below); 2 Ti 1:5 (ἀνυπόκριτος π.); 2:18; 3:8; Tit 1:1, 4, 13; 3:15; Phlm 6 (s. κοινωνία 4); Hb 6:12; 10:22, 39 (opp. ὑποστολή); Js 1:3; 2:5; 1 Pt 1:5, 7, 9; 5:9; 2 Pt 1:1; 1J 5:4; 1 Cl 1:2 (ἡ πανάρετος κ. βεβαία π.); ISm 1:1 (ἀκίνητος π.); Hm 5, 2, 1; 12, 5, 4 (both πλήρης ἐν τῇ πίστει full of faith); 5, 2, 3 (π. ὁλόκληρος); 9:6 (ὁλοτελὴς ἐν τ. π.), 7 (opp. διψυχία), 12 (π. ἡ ἔχουσα δύναμιν); 12, 6, 1; Hs 9, 19, 2 (ἀπὸ τῆς π. κενοί); 9, 26, 8 (κολοβοὶ ἀπὸ τῆς π. αὐτῶν).—τὸ ῥῆμα τ. πίστεως Ro 10:8. οἱ λόγοι τῆς π. 1 Ti 4:6. τὸ μυστήριον τῆς π. 3:9. ὁ θεὸς ἤνοιξεν τοῖς ἔθνεσιν θύραν πίστεως God has opened the door of faith to the Gentiles, i.e. opened the way for them to participate in a new relationship w. God Ac 14:27 (s. also θύρα 1bγ). ἀκοὴ πίστεως Gal 3:2, 5 (s. ἀκοή 2 and 4b). (τὸ) ἔργον (τῆς) π. 1 Th 1:3; 2 Th 1:11 (s. ἔργον 1b). οἱ ἐκ πίστεως the people of faith (s. ἐκ 3b) Gal 3:7, 9. πῶς οὐν [πίστιν εὑρ]ίσκομεν; Ox 1081, 25f (but here [ταῦτα γιγν]ώ̣σκομεν is the preferable restoration w. Till after the Coptic SJCh 90, 2); 32. Of gnostics τοῦ ὄφεως πίστιν ἔχουσιν AcPlCor 2:20.—If the principal component of Christianity is faith, then π. can be understood as the Gospel in terms of the commitment it evokes (cp. SIG 932, 7 [II/I B.C.]) νῦν εὐαγγελίζεται τὴν πίστιν ἥν ποτε ἐπόρθει Gal 1:23 (s. 3 below). Perh. also Ro 1:5.
    β. Hb 11:1 defines πίστις as ἐλπιζομένων ὑπόστασις, πραγμάτων ἔλεγχος οὐ βλεπομένων. There is here no qu. about the mng. of π. as confidence or assurance (s. 2a above), but on its relation to ὑπόστασις as its predication s. under that word.—(Ps.-Aristot., De Mundo 6, 18 interprets πιστεύειν in someth. as incapability to see someth. that is apparent only to God.) Paul contrasts walking διὰ εἴδους (εἶδος 3) as the lower degree, with διὰ πίστεως περιπατεῖν 2 Cor 5:7 (s. KDeissner, Pls. u. die Mystik seiner Zeit2 1921, 101ff). On the other hand πίστις is on a higher level than merely listening to Christian preaching Hb 4:2.
    γ. πίστις abs., as a Christian virtue, is often coupled w. others of the same kind, esp. oft. w. ἀγάπη: 1 Th 3:6; 5:8; 1 Ti 1:14; 2 Ti 1:13; Phlm 5; B 11:8; IEph 1:1; 9:1; 14:1; 20:1; IMg 1:2; 13:1; IRo ins; ISm ins; 6:1; 13:2; AcPl Ha 8, 35. W. ἀγάπη and other abstracts 2 Cor 8:7; Gal 5:22; Eph 6:23; 1 Ti 2:15; 4:12; 6:11: 2 Ti 2:22; 3:10; Tit 2:2; Rv 2:19; IPhld 11:2; Pol 4:2; Hm 8:9; cp. v 3, 8, 2–5. The triad πίστις, ἐλπίς, ἀγάπη 1 Cor 13:13; cp. also Col 1:4f; 1 Th 1:3; 5:8; B 1:4 (on this triad see s.v. ἀγάπη 1aα). W. ἐλπίς only (cp. 1 Pt 1:21) 1 Cl 58:2. The ζωῆς ἐλπίς is called ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος πίστεως ἡμῶν B 1:6.—W. ἀλήθεια (TestLevi 8:2) 1 Ti 2:7 (cp. the combination POxy 70, 4f [III A.D.]); 1 Cl 60:4. W. δικαιοσύνη Pol 9:2. W. ὑπομονή Rv 13:10; w. ὑπομ. and other abstracts 2 Pt 1:5f; Pol 13:2 (cp. also the following passages already referred to in this section: 1 Ti 6:11; 2 Ti 3:10; Tit 2:2 and Js 1:3 [α above]). W. γνῶσις (Just., D. 69, 1) et al. 2 Pt 1:5f [s. above]; D 10:2. ἵνα μετὰ τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν τελείαν ἔχητε τὴν γνῶσιν B 1:5. W. φόβος and ἐγκράτεια Hm 6, 1, 1.—(Distinguished from θεία σοφία: Orig., C. Cels. 6, 13, 23.)
    δ. faith as fidelity to Christian teaching. This point of view calls for ἔργα as well as the kind of πίστις that represents only one side of true piety: Js 2:14ab, 17, 18abc, 20, 22ab, 24, 26 (ἔργον 1a); Hv 3, 6, 5; Hs 8, 9, 1ab.
    ε. Ro 14:22 and 23 π. as freedom or strength in faith, conviction (s. Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; but s. α above).
    ζ. In addition to the πίστις that every Christian possesses (s. 2dα above) Paul speaks of a special gift of faith that belongs to a select few 1 Cor 12:9. Here he understands π. as an unquestioning belief in God’s power to aid people with miracles, the faith that ‘moves mountains’ 13:2 (cp. Mt 17:20.—21:21; s. 2a above). This special kind of faith may be what the disciples had in mind when they asked πρόσθες ἡμῖν πίστιν Lk 17:5; cp. vs. 6. τῇ πίστει φερόμενος ὁ Παυλος AcPl Ha 5, 1.
    that which is believed, body of faith/belief/teaching (Diod S 1, 23, 8 ἰσχυρὰν πίστιν καὶ ἀμετάθετον=an article of faith that was firm and unshakable [concerning Orpheus and Dionysus]; Mel., HE 4, 26, 13; Ath. 8, 1; Iren., 1, 10, 2 [Harv. I, 92, 1]; Orig., C. Cels., 1, 42, 26; Did., Gen. 156, 23). So clearly Jd 3 (τῇ ἅπαξ παραδοθείσῃ τοῖς ἁγίοις πίστει), 20 (τῇ ἁγιωτάτῃ ὑμῶν πίστει.—ἅγιος 1aα). πίστις θεοῦ=that which, acc. to God’s will, is to be believed IEph 16:2.—This objectivizing of the term πίστις is found as early as Paul: Ro 1:5; Gal 1:23 (s. 2dα end) and perh. Gal 3:23–25 (s. Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.). ASeeberg, D. Katechismus der Urchristenheit 1903, 110f, understands 1 Ti 1:19; 4:1, 6; 6:10, cp. 21; 2 Ti 2:18 in this manner. Ro 12:6 (but s. ἀναλογία) and 2 Ti 4:7 are also interpreted in this way by many.—EBurton, ICC Gal 1921, 475–86; ASchlatter, D. Glaube im NT4 1927; APott, Das Hoffen im NT in seiner Beziehung zum Glauben1915; ANairne, The Faith of the NT 1920; RGyllenberg, Pistis 1922; WKümmel, D. Glaube im NT: ThBl 16, ’38, 209–21; Dodd 65–68; TTorrance, ET 68, ’57, 111–14; CMoule, ibid. 157.—Synoptics: TShearer, ET 69, ’57, 3–6.—Esp. for Paul: BBartmann, Pls, die Grundzüge seiner Lehre u. die moderne Religionsgeschichte 1914; WMorgan, The Religion and Theology of Paul 1917; WHatch, The Pauline Idea of Faith in Its Relation to Jewish and Hellenistic Religion 1917; Ltzm., Hdb. exc. after Ro 4:25; FKnoke, Der christl. Glaube nach Pls 1922; ERohde, Gottesglaube u. Kyriosglaube bei Pls: ZNW 22, 1923, 43–57; EWissmann, Das Verh. v. πίστις und Christusfrömmigkeit bei Pls 1926; MDibelius, Glaube u. Mystik b. Pls: Neue Jahrb. f. Wissensch. u. Jugendbildg. 7, ’31, 683–99; WMundle, D. Glaubensbegriff des Pls ’32 (p. xi–xvi extensive bibliog.); RGyllenberg, Glaube b. Pls: ZWT 13, ’37, 612–30; MHansen, Om Trosbegrebet hos Pls ’37; LMarshall, Challenge of NT Ethics, ’47, 270–77; 298–300; RBultmann, Theologie des NT ’48, 310–26 (Engl. tr. KGrobel I ’51, 314–30; for the Johannines II, 70–92, ’55); MMassinger, BiblSacra 107, ’50, 181–94 et al. S. also δικαιοσύνη 3a.—For the Fourth Gosp.: JBuswell, The Ethics of ‘Believe’ in the Fourth Gospel: BiblSacra 80, 1923, 28–37; JHuby, De la connaissance de foi chez S. Jean: RSR 21, ’31, 385–421; RSchnackenburg, D. Glaube im 4. Ev., diss. Breslau ’37; WHatch, The Idea of Faith in Christ. Lit. fr. the Death of St. Paul to the Close of the Second Century 1926.—EGraesser, D. Glaube im Hebräerbrief, ’65.—ABaumeister, D. Ethik des Pastor Hermae, 1912, 61–140.—ESeidl, π. in d. griech. Lit. (to Peripatetics), diss. Innsbruck, ’53; HLjungman, Pistis, ’64; DLührmann, Pistis im Judent., ZNW 64, ’73, 19–38. On faith in late Judaism s. Bousset, Rel.3 534a (index); also DHay, JBL 108, ’89, 4611–76; DLindsay, Josephus and Faith ’93. On the Hellenistic concept πίστις Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 234–36.—DELG s.v. πείθομαι. M-M. EDNT. TW. Spicq. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πίστις

  • 13 creciente

    1 growing (seguridad, confianza).
    2 increasing, incremental, mounting, raising.
    3 crescent, raising.
    4 swelling.
    1 rise in waters.
    2 flood tide.
    3 crescent.
    * * *
    1 (que crece) growing; (que aumenta) increasing
    2 (precios) rising
    3 (luna) crescent (in the first quarter)
    1 (de agua) flood, spate
    * * *
    growing, increasing
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [tendencia, demanda, volumen] growing, increasing
    2) [luna] waxing
    cuarto 2., 2)
    SM (Astron) [de la luna] crescent
    SF [de río] flood
    * * *
    a) <interés/necesidad> increasing
    b) (Astron)
    * * *
    = ever-growing, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, burgeoning, proliferative, escalating, heightening.
    Ex. To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish, not forgetting the ever-growing list of translations of oriental works.
    Ex. Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.
    Ex. The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.
    Ex. If the approach is not too blinkered, such situations, on the basis of mounting evidence, quickly lead to the realisation that technological solutions to information problems are at best partial.
    Ex. But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.
    Ex. It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
    Ex. Haemorrhage was noted over the surface of the detached retina and the optic nerve head was covered by a proliferative white structure.
    Ex. Findings emphasised the escalating deprivation of applied social scientists in general and the local government and voluntary sectors in particular.
    Ex. The rising tension over the Olympic torch relay is heightening concerns whether this summer's Games will be clouded by political rancor.
    * luna creciente = waxing moon.
    * * *
    a) <interés/necesidad> increasing
    b) (Astron)
    * * *
    = ever-growing, growing, increasing, mounting, rising, burgeoning, proliferative, escalating, heightening.

    Ex: To gauge the full impact on the BNB one must add to these Arabic publications half a dozen books in Kurdish, not forgetting the ever-growing list of translations of oriental works.

    Ex: Yet another variable factor is the growing presence of full text data bases.
    Ex: The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.
    Ex: If the approach is not too blinkered, such situations, on the basis of mounting evidence, quickly lead to the realisation that technological solutions to information problems are at best partial.
    Ex: But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.
    Ex: It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were somewhat unsure of their future situation relative to the burgeoning information education market = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigacion no se sentían muy seguros sobre su situación futura en relación con el incipiente mercado de las enseñanzas de documentación.
    Ex: Haemorrhage was noted over the surface of the detached retina and the optic nerve head was covered by a proliferative white structure.
    Ex: Findings emphasised the escalating deprivation of applied social scientists in general and the local government and voluntary sectors in particular.
    Ex: The rising tension over the Olympic torch relay is heightening concerns whether this summer's Games will be clouded by political rancor.
    * luna creciente = waxing moon.

    * * *
    1 ‹interés/necesidad› increasing, growing
    2 ( Astron):
    luna creciente waxing moon
    cuarto2 (↑ cuarto (2))
    * * *


    creciente adjetivo
    a)interés/necesidad increasing

    b) (Astron):

    creciente adjetivo
    1 growing, increasing 2 cuarto creciente, crescent
    ' creciente' also found in these entries:
    - cuarto
    - luna
    - militarista
    - marea
    - gathering
    - growing
    - increasing
    - rising
    - body
    - escalate
    - mount
    * * *
    1. [seguridad, confianza] growing
    2. [luna] crescent, waxing
    * * *
    I adj cantidad growing; luna waxing
    II f
    creciente (lunar) crescent (of the moon)
    * * *
    1) : growing, increasing
    luna creciente : waxing moon

    Spanish-English dictionary > creciente

  • 14 comprobación de las necesidades económicas

    (n.) = means-testing, means test
    Ex. For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
    Ex. To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
    * * *
    (n.) = means-testing, means test

    Ex: For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.

    Ex: To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.

    Spanish-English dictionary > comprobación de las necesidades económicas

  • 15 comprobación de los ingresos

    (n.) = means-testing, means test
    Ex. For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
    Ex. To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
    * * *
    (n.) = means-testing, means test

    Ex: For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.

    Ex: To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.

    Spanish-English dictionary > comprobación de los ingresos

  • 16 evaluación de las necesidades económicas

    (n.) = means-testing, means test
    Ex. For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
    Ex. To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
    * * *
    (n.) = means-testing, means test

    Ex: For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.

    Ex: To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.

    Spanish-English dictionary > evaluación de las necesidades económicas

  • 17 evaluación de los ingresos

    (n.) = means-testing, means test
    Ex. For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.
    Ex. To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.
    * * *
    (n.) = means-testing, means test

    Ex: For example, when analyzing means-testing data, it became apparent that several clients had substantial income that was unaccounted for.

    Ex: To get a grant you must also qualify through a means test.

    Spanish-English dictionary > evaluación de los ingresos

  • 18 una oleada de

    = an army of, a flurry of, a swell of
    Ex. The UK government will need to mobilize an 'army' of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem.
    Ex. While the eventual results of this flurry of partnerships that has recently occurred are uncertain, there are certain trends that are becoming increasingly apparent.
    Ex. There was also a swell of private endeavour, particularly from people who thought of themselves as anti-establishment, counter-culture groups.
    * * *
    = an army of, a flurry of, a swell of

    Ex: The UK government will need to mobilize an 'army' of 30,000 civil servants to solve the Year 2000 problem.

    Ex: While the eventual results of this flurry of partnerships that has recently occurred are uncertain, there are certain trends that are becoming increasingly apparent.
    Ex: There was also a swell of private endeavour, particularly from people who thought of themselves as anti-establishment, counter-culture groups.

    Spanish-English dictionary > una oleada de

  • 19 forzar

    1 to force.
    forzar a alguien a hacer algo to force somebody to do something
    forzar la vista to strain one's eyes
    forzar una cerradura to force a lock
    Ricardo forzó la puerta Richard forced the door.
    2 to rape.
    3 to enforce, to muscle, to impose, to foist.
    La policía forzó el reglamento The police enforced the rules.
    4 to coerce, to constrain, to force.
    La policía forzó a Ricardo The police coerced Richard.
    * * *
    (o changes to ue in stressed syllables; z changes to c before e)
    Present Indicative
    fuerzo, fuerzas, fuerza, forzamos, forzáis, fuerzan.
    Past Indicative
    forcé, forzaste, forzó, forzamos, forzasteis, forzaron.
    Present Subjunctive
    fuerza (tú), fuerce (él/Vd.), forcemos (nos.), forzad (vos.), fuercen (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    1) to force, compel
    * * *
    1) (=obligar) to force

    forzar a algn a hacer algo — to force sb to do sth, make sb do sth

    les forzó a dimitir — he forced them to resign, he made them resign

    2) [+ puerta, cerradura] to force; (Mil) [+ ciudadela, fuerte] to storm, take
    3) [+ ojos, voz] to strain; [+ sonrisa] to force
    4) (=violar) to rape
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( obligar) to force

    me vi forzado — I had to, I was forced

    a) < vista> to strain
    b) < sonrisa> to force
    3) <puerta/cerradura> to force
    4) ( violar) to rape
    forzarse v pron ( obligarse) to make o force oneself
    * * *
    = compel, constrain, force, oblige, force + Nombre + open, strain, extrude, enforce, shoehorn, pry + Nombre + open.
    Nota: Sinónimo de prise + Nombre + open.
    Ex. It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new role.
    Ex. Model II sees the process in terms of the system forcing or constraining the user to deviate from the 'real' problem.
    Ex. If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.
    Ex. The user interested in children's sports, therefore, is obliged, when looking under the general heading, to differentiate between those works which are general and those which are on men's sports.
    Ex. Do not force a book open, especially when it is new.
    Ex. His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.
    Ex. In theory, at least, information provision has always been seen as an integral part of the library service, but in practice this had tended to become extruded to the point of non-existence by the time it reaches the smaller rural branches and mobile libraries = En teoría, al menos, la difusión de la información siempre se ha visto como una parte integral del servicio bibliotecario, aunque en la práctica se ha tendido a forzarla hasta el punto de su inexistencia cuando llega a las bibliotecas sucursales rurales más pequeñas y a las bibliotecas móviles.
    Ex. Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    Ex. We should not expect faculty to shoehorn their approaches into a technical developer's ideas of what is valuable or the correct pedagogical approach.
    Ex. If the paper clip has not rusted and the paper is sturdy, a paper clip can be removed by gently prying it open.
    * abrir forzando = force + Nombre + open.
    * abrir forzando con palanca = prise + Nombre + open.
    * forzar a = coerce (into), press into.
    * forzar a cerrar un Negocio = drive out of + business.
    * forzar la separación de = coerce + Nombre + away from.
    * forzar una respuesta = coerce + a response.
    * que fuerza los músculos = muscle-straining.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( obligar) to force

    me vi forzado — I had to, I was forced

    a) < vista> to strain
    b) < sonrisa> to force
    3) <puerta/cerradura> to force
    4) ( violar) to rape
    forzarse v pron ( obligarse) to make o force oneself
    * * *
    = compel, constrain, force, oblige, force + Nombre + open, strain, extrude, enforce, shoehorn, pry + Nombre + open.
    Nota: Sinónimo de prise + Nombre + open.

    Ex: It was apparent that the majority of respondents did not feel the need to react as if they were confronting forces compelling the adoption of totally new role.

    Ex: Model II sees the process in terms of the system forcing or constraining the user to deviate from the 'real' problem.
    Ex: If the library wants all users to have passwords, an authorization level of 1 can be assigned in the search function to force the system to require a password.
    Ex: The user interested in children's sports, therefore, is obliged, when looking under the general heading, to differentiate between those works which are general and those which are on men's sports.
    Ex: Do not force a book open, especially when it is new.
    Ex: His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.
    Ex: In theory, at least, information provision has always been seen as an integral part of the library service, but in practice this had tended to become extruded to the point of non-existence by the time it reaches the smaller rural branches and mobile libraries = En teoría, al menos, la difusión de la información siempre se ha visto como una parte integral del servicio bibliotecario, aunque en la práctica se ha tendido a forzarla hasta el punto de su inexistencia cuando llega a las bibliotecas sucursales rurales más pequeñas y a las bibliotecas móviles.
    Ex: Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.
    Ex: We should not expect faculty to shoehorn their approaches into a technical developer's ideas of what is valuable or the correct pedagogical approach.
    Ex: If the paper clip has not rusted and the paper is sturdy, a paper clip can be removed by gently prying it open.
    * abrir forzando = force + Nombre + open.
    * abrir forzando con palanca = prise + Nombre + open.
    * forzar a = coerce (into), press into.
    * forzar a cerrar un Negocio = drive out of + business.
    * forzar la separación de = coerce + Nombre + away from.
    * forzar una respuesta = coerce + a response.
    * que fuerza los músculos = muscle-straining.

    * * *
    forzar [ A11 ]
    A (obligar) to force
    me vi forzado a echarlo del local I had to o I was forced to o ( frml) I was obliged to throw him off the premises
    1 ‹vista› to strain
    estaba forzando la vista I was straining my eyes
    2 ‹sonrisa› to force
    C ‹puerta/cerradura› to force
    D (violar) to rape
    (obligarse) to make o force oneself
    todos los días me fuerzo a caminar dos kilómetros every day I make myself walk two kilometers
    * * *


    forzar ( conjugate forzar) verbo transitivo
    1 ( obligar) to force
    a) vista to strain;

    b) sonrisa to force

    3puerta/cerradura to force
    forzar verbo transitivo
    1 (obligar por la fuerza) to force: la forzaron a casarse, she was forced to get married
    2 (un motor, una situación) to force
    3 (una cerradura) to force, break open
    4 (violar a alguien) to rape
    ' forzar' also found in these entries:
    - tergiversar
    - violentar
    - fuerza
    - palanca
    - break in
    - break into
    - bulldoze
    - compel
    - crack
    - drive
    - force
    - pick
    - strain
    - tamper
    - stretch
    * * *
    forzar vt
    1. [obligar, empujar] to force;
    forzar a alguien a hacer algo to force sb to do sth;
    yo no forzaría la situación I wouldn't force the situation
    2. [cerradura, mecanismo] to force;
    no fuerces el motor don't overtax the engine;
    forzar la vista to strain one's eyes;
    forzar la salida [de programa] to force quit
    3. [violar] to rape
    * * *
    1 force;
    forzar la voz strain one’s voice
    2 ( violar) rape
    * * *
    forzar {36} vt
    1) obligar: to force, to compel
    2) : to force open
    3) : to strain
    forzar los ojos: to strain one's eyes
    * * *
    forzar vb to force

    Spanish-English dictionary > forzar

  • 20 innovación

    1 invention, new thing, contrivance.
    2 innovation, novation, breakthrough, new way.
    * * *
    1 innovation
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    * * *
    femenino innovation
    * * *
    = breakthrough [break-through], innovation, innovativeness, discontinuity.
    Ex. With the exception of a few prescient observers, most predictions of the 20th century overlooked such breakthroughs as the computer.
    Ex. Accounting for his departures from Panizzi's rules, Jewett explained that some of them were useful 'innovations' and others represented 'modifications adapted to the peculiar character of the system now proposed'.
    Ex. It was apparent that, within their parent organizations, SLIS were favourably regarded for their willingness to adopt and adapt to IT initiatives, and for their educational innovativeness.
    Ex. New strategies have to be invented by libraries to cope with a period of transition and discontinuity.
    * adaptarse a una innovación = meet + development.
    * innovación tecnológica = technological innovation.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.
    * * *
    femenino innovation
    * * *
    = breakthrough [break-through], innovation, innovativeness, discontinuity.

    Ex: With the exception of a few prescient observers, most predictions of the 20th century overlooked such breakthroughs as the computer.

    Ex: Accounting for his departures from Panizzi's rules, Jewett explained that some of them were useful 'innovations' and others represented 'modifications adapted to the peculiar character of the system now proposed'.
    Ex: It was apparent that, within their parent organizations, SLIS were favourably regarded for their willingness to adopt and adapt to IT initiatives, and for their educational innovativeness.
    Ex: New strategies have to be invented by libraries to cope with a period of transition and discontinuity.
    * adaptarse a una innovación = meet + development.
    * innovación tecnológica = technological innovation.
    * investigación para la creación de innovaciones = innovation research.

    * * *
    innovaciones técnicas technical innovations
    * * *

    innovación sustantivo femenino
    innovación sustantivo femenino innovation
    ' innovación' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    * * *
    f innovation
    * * *
    innovación nf, pl - ciones : innovation

    Spanish-English dictionary > innovación

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  • Apparent magnitude — Asteroid 65 Cybele and 2 stars with their magnitudes labeled The apparent magnitude (m) of a celestial body is a measure of its brightness as seen by an observer on Earth, normalized to the value it would have in the absence of the atmosphere.… …   Wikipedia

  • Apparent death — Playing possum redirects here. For the 1975 album by Carly Simon, see Playing Possum. Apparent death, colloquially known as playing dead or playing possum, is an antipredator behavior observed in a wide range of animals in which they take on the… …   Wikipedia

  • That's Got His Own — Infobox The Wire episode caption = episode name = That s Got His Own episode no = 49 epigraph = That all there is to it? Bubbles teleplay = George Pelecanos story = Ed Burns and George Pelecanos writer = director = Joe Chappelle guest star = see… …   Wikipedia

  • Apparent horizon — Horizon Ho*ri zon, n. [F., fr. L. horizon, fr. Gr. ? (sc. ?) the bounding line, horizon, fr. ? to bound, fr. ? boundary, limit.] 1. The line which bounds that part of the earth s surface visible to a spectator from a given point; the apparent… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • That Summer Day — Infobox Film name = That Summer Day caption = director = Jon East producer = eproducer = Mark Redhead aproducer = Hannah Pescod writer = Clive Bradley starring = Sanchez Adams Rhea Karimpanal Michael Curtis Parsons Susie Wokoma Perry Millward… …   Wikipedia

  • Apparent oxygen utilisation — In freshwater or marine systems apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) is the difference between the measured dissolved oxygen concentration and its equilibrium saturation concentration in water with the same physical and chemical properties [Garcia,… …   Wikipedia

  • Heir apparent — An heir apparent is an heir who (short of a fundamental change in the situation) cannot be displaced from inheriting; the term is used in contrast to heir presumptive, the term for a conditional heir who is currently in line to inherit but could… …   Wikipedia

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